So, on Sunday, I set out to run a 10km race with the hopes that the time would be under an hour. I didn't do it. I've been training well and getting in my intervals and hills and general runs, but when it came time to race day, I just didn't get the goal I was aiming for. At the halfway point, it was looking good, but by the time I got to the 8km mark, I just didn't have it in me. I'm not sure why not, but I just couldn't keep up the pace.
I was devastated, yet at the same time, I needed to remind myself that even though I didn't reach the goal I had hoped for, I did have a good race, and truth be told, it was a personal best. Before this my best 10km time was 1:04:09, and yesterday I ran it in 1:01:45. That was an improvement of more than two minutes. So, maybe my goal was a bit more than I can reach? It's funny that even though I ran faster than I ever have before for a 10km, it still seemed bittersweet because I had set my sites even higher.
Oh well, it's time to get over it and start working towards the next race. When you miss a goal you've been aiming for, it's important to remember there are still moments to be proud of. In my case, I still outperformed my previous best. I had a good run. I didn't take my ipod with me so that I would enjoy the race for what it was. I thanked the volunteers. I made sure my friend got to the end. And my favourite moment of the run? Passing my husband and son and listening to my little boy shout "go mommy, you are doing good mommy". That is worth more than my goal ever was!!
You did great!!!