Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A little update...

So last night, after posting about the triathlons, I decided to check out the Leduc Element Women's Triathlon that was on September 6th. I didn't see anywhere to sign up, so I figured it was sold out, but rather than simply use that as an excuse, I emailed the sponsoring shop just to see. And, wouldn't you know it, there is still space, I just never noticed the "Register Here" link on the race calendar. So, I signed up. Just like that, I am now set to do my first ever triathlon. I think it's time to go swimming, or biking, or something...

And as for my weight, well, it's still a work in progress. Today I weighed 186.4 pounds (84.55kg). So, not much has changed, but I am okay with that. I have been eating fairly decently, watching my portions, and exercising fairly regularly. I'll keep plugging away at it though!! And really, I have to remember, that in January, I topped the scales at 246 pounds (111kg) (I think that was the highest I weighed) right before my son was born, so really, I have made a lot of progress!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, from deciding to tri to actually doing it you don't have long! I go back to work on the 7th September so we'll be counting down to those days at the same time but for different reasons...

    Good job on the exercise and stuff. I've fallen off the wagon spectacularly in the last couple of weeks but hope to climb back aboard in the next week. Vacations, weather, illness and summer holidays all have conspired against me :(
